1. Have some honey
Are you aware that honey has anti-bacterial properties? Yes, it does. The honey helps to coat the throat, alleviate irritation, and treat day and nighttime dry coughing. You can add honey to herbal tea or lukewarm water along with lemon to witness the amazing results of the honey. The honey ensures soothing and lemon juice helps you with congestion. And yes, honey taken directly from the spoon is a low-cost and effective home remedy.
2. Do Salt-water gargle
One of the simplest remedies is the most effective to treat dry cough. You must be having table- salt at home. Right? Saltwater reduces mucus and phlegm in the back of the throat that reduces cough. All you have to do is stir half a teaspoon salt into a glass of lukewarm water. Gargle at least 4-5 times each day until the cough shows improvement.
3. Consume peppermint
Peppermint has antiviral and anti-bacterial qualities. It also reduces congestion. Peppermint contains methanol that numbs nerve endings in the throat that has irritation while coughing. It relieves dry cough and throat pain. Thinking about how to consume peppermint? You can either take peppermint tea or suck peppermint lozenges. Ensure drinking peppermint tea before going to bed to avoid nighttime cough.
4. Munch some ginger
Do you know ginger has anti-inflammatory properties? Ginger enhances immunity and relieves discomfort and pain. It is the most common ingredient used in tea. Drinking ginger herbal tea mixed with some honey is beneficial to relieve dry cough. The simplest way to take ginger is to munch or chew ginger directly to alleviate dry cough.
5. Drink turmeric milk
Turmeric contains the compound curcumin that has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties. It is beneficial to get relief from dry cough. Curcumin taken with black pepper is best absorbed in the bloodstream and helps to ease your dry cough. You can take 1 teaspoon of turmeric along with 1/8 teaspoon of black pepper in a beverage. The mixture is effective on taking with warm milk.
6. Stay hydrated
Don’t forget to drink lots and lots of liquids as staying hydrated is vital in cold or cough. Drinking liquids at room temperature can improve dry cough and sneezing. And yes, drinking hot drinks is more beneficial in dry cough and sore throat. Hot drinks may include lukewarm water and herbal tea.
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Final Words
So, now you know that there are many home remedies to treat your dry cough. You only have to visit your kitchen to get the ingredients!